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Why Lean Matters Feature
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Why Lean Matters

Why Lean Matters

We hear a lot about “lean” these days. How it’s a different way of doing things on projects. How it involves doing more with less. That it can supposedly save time and money. That it requires another way of thinking and a special set of tools to work. That it needs buy-in from all parties involved in order to be effective. That it’s the way of the future…a future that often feels like it’s still very far off.

At Ghafari, we pride ourselves on being a forward-thinking organization that embraces new methodologies, tools, and technologies. We’re all about finding new ways to produce higher quality work while being more efficient in our delivery. The lean way of doing things is something we continue to push. But in an industry that has been slow to adopt this philosophy, you may be asking, “Why?”

Really – what’s the big deal with lean?